Xiaowopu Village Enrichment Project (Phase 3) 2021

Participating WZQ Team:Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Minzu University of China, Chu Hai College of Higher Education
Time: April 2021 - October 2021

Xiaowopu VR Panorama

Main Construction - October 1-5, 2021

Particating WZQ Team: Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Number of participants: about 30 people

  • The team participated in the construction of Ganchaigou Village Square:
    Podium construction, stone wall wood veneer installation and painting, signage installation, flower transplanting and planting
  • Improve the facilities of the Environmental Education Center:
    Replacement of wooden seats for flower beds, restoration of wall signs, restoration of furniture, etc.
  • The environmental education course was piloted, the team introduced the village environment and ecology to the student volunteers
  • The team conducts livelihood surveys to understand the living conditions of villagers and discuss future project construction needs

Students' feedbacks:

  • Learn the overall project management, including: division of labor, clear rules, detailed arrangement of matters, contingency handling, activity records, etc.
  • Follow the technicians to learn wood construction skills and the use of construction tools
  • Students communicate with villagers and experience rural life
  • Learning from each other in the team
  • Learn to adapt to different situations and adjust the gap between the plan and the actual arrangement

3rd Investigation - July 21-23, 2021

Participating WZQ teams: Beijing Jiaotong University, Minzu University of China

  • Communicate with the village committee and construction team on the design plan of public spaces (crossing points and plazas), and follow up on the arrangement of foundation works
  • The team further surveyed the construction site to revise the design details

2nd Investigation - April 2-5, 2021

Participating WZQ teams: Beijing Jiaotong University, Minzu University of China, Chu Hai College of Higher Education

  • Further collect information on the construction of village public spaces, including village squares and river crossing points
  • The team visited members of the village committee and villagers to learn about the villagers' thoughts on public construction and the needs of people's livelihood activities
  • The team collects image data of the village environment to prepare a digital map


離別有期,心橋無止......我們的故事未完待續! 2021/10/06

2 有彩虹,有晚霞,有夢......我們在小窩鋪! 2021/10/04

3 開工大吉! 2021/10/03

【IUCN。無止橋社區式環境教育中心】榮獲ADA年度亞洲設计大獎-思考與探索獎 2021/07/02

窩鋪2021四月調研Vlog 2021/05/14

明又至小窩鋪,山野尋春正當時 2021/05/06

7 秋冬兩進村,調研新啟程 2020/12/21